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Lovely's Sewing & Arts Collective

Thanks to your generosity, our fabric storage space is full!
We are not accepting fabrics. We will gladly take your notion donations.
We are actively looking for sustaining donors who can make an ongoing financial contribution.
"Kindly make a financial contribution to support our space, partial youth tuition, instructor fees, supplies, healthy lunches, and operational expenses."
Clicking the button below to donate monthly, annually or one time
donation link:
Clicking the button below that says Donate or use the PayPal app with our email address:
Lovely's Sewing & Arts Collective
530 N. 3rd St. Suite 10
Minneapolis, MN 55401
GiveMN fundraiser page
We welcome a single donation or a monthly sustaining donation.
All donations can be written off under our 501(c)3 tax exempt status.
Thank you for your support!
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